Tuesday, September 24, 2013

so I have a hobby

I have always anxiously feared the question, "what do you do outside of school/work?" I have generally just enjoyed what I do inside school/work so much that I have not really done much else. And, to be honest, I kinda like doing nothing or nothing-like things when I am not being held accountable for doing something. So, I have never had a hobby.

A couple of weeks ago, my mom pointed out that I now have a hobby. I have an answer to the question of what I do outside school/work. My new answer may not be any more socially acceptable than my old answer, but my new something is much more fulfilling than my old nothing.

So, what do I do outside school/work, you ask? I am a cat lady. I am a foster mom. I keep kittens alive. I wake up at random hours of the night and rush home at random hours of the day to feed or medicate little fur babies. I give away pieces of my heart to itty bitty orphans who need nothing more - or less - than those pieces.

What do I do outside school/work? I have a hobby. My hobby is love. And I love love.


1 comment:

Kenny said...

Beautifully and accurately stated!