Sunday, November 16, 2008

she cried.

A high school senior, I invited my friends to watch a movie at my grandma's house. We were supposed to watch the movie for school, and she had a huge tv. She volunteered her house, excited to have a handful of young people in her usually lonely home.

We showed up; I introduced my friends; and she hugged us all. She was so happy to have our company.

We turned to the tv and found that grandma had no dvd player. We were unable to get together another day, so we had to leave grandma's house to watch the movie at Jamie's. Grandma was SO disappointed that she did not have what we needed. She had been so excited about enjoying our presence while helping us. Now, five minutes after our arrival, we were leaving her again to her quiet house.

She cried.

Now, remembering that day, the tears in her eyes as we left, I cry. Why didn't I stay? Oh, to have those moments back!