Thursday, April 20, 2006

Don't Breathe

Something is dead in the attic or under the floor of this apt. I told the office people about it a couple of days ago, so since the smell is still here, I assume the dead thing is a person, and they can't move it because it's a crime scene.

Reckless Abandon

Well, maybe I won't post too much whininess here. I sat on the edge of my bed last night and looked over at my night stand. I began to feel guilty looking at my poor journal and pen. I will not abandon them. My journal is, after all, my best friend. I'll whine here only on special occasions or when my journal is not around.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

We'll Work Till Jesus Comes...

I wish I could get a job without Daddy's help. I have a great resume, and I write great cover letters. I even make phone calls on occasion. Nobody ever calls back, though. That is, until Daddy makes the call. Then, they start calling him back and working through him to give me the job. Why won't they talk to me?
GRRR... I hate being a college student...

This blog thing could work out well. Since nobody reads it, I can just whine about whatever, and when it's all typed out, I'll feel at least a little better, and nobody else had to endure the whining.