Saturday, September 22, 2012


Maybe... it's the one word i wrote down during last week's sermon. the subject was the return of Christ. i feel like we don't talk about this subject nearly as much as we did when i was a kid. on the other hand, our culture seems to be consumed with questions and fantasies about the end of the world. a ton of new books, tv shows, movies, etc. are set in a post-apocalyptic world. and, of course, everyone wants to know whether or not the world will survive the end of the Mayan calendar.

the Bible teaches that not even Jesus knows when Jesus will return. so, when i have been asked what i think about the mayan calendar thing, my answer has usually been something indicating that i don't put any stock in those types of predictions and that i don't believe anyone knows when the end will come.

those things are true, but perhaps a more appropriate answer to the question of whether the world will end before this year is maybe. it's the same answer but with emphasis on the importance of our readiness. what if the mayans were right? are we ready?

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