Thursday, November 07, 2013

To whom does Marriage belong?

My response to the above linked blog...

I probably do qualify as the target Christian demographic for this response. I believe in Jesus as the one Messiah and Savior of sinful man, and I subscribe wholly to the Bible as God's True Word. BUT, I am driven crazy by those who claim "marriage" is somehow a Christian word being hijacked by a secular community. I do believe that my life and that the existence of all creation is for the purpose of glorifying God. But, marriage in itself is not about God. Marriage is about choosing to love with and live with another. Because of my personal convictions, my marriage (if one should occur) will be about loving God and loving my family. But, I find it ridiculous to expect that any other relationship has the same goals as mine. Marriage is word. An English word. Not a Christian word. A Christian marriage may look different from an atheist marriage. A heterosexual marriage may look different from a homosexual marriage. But none is any less a marriage.

Please leave your reply here. I appreciate this conversation.

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