Thursday, July 11, 2013

this is my life... thanks, mom!

it's 1130, and i'm sitting down to eat the supper i cooked 4 hours ago. here's the story:

my mom knows nothing of this story yet, but she is to blame. why? because she passed on the gene. the gene that attracts every homeless, hungry, or hurt kitten from miles around. the gene has been hard at work today.

today's story really starts months ago when the gene attracted a little gray kitten named Panther. I own 2 cats and can't afford the space or the $$$ for another, so when Panther came along, I did what I had to do to get her accepted into the adoption program at a local organization called FurKids. What I had to do... become a foster parent with FurKids.

I have loved fostering! I have now fostered two litters, a pair, and a single - 15 cats in all.

This morning, as I prepared to take the last kitten from my last litter into a store to be adopted, I emailed the lady in charge and told her I needed a short break to get my house cleaned and to love on my own cats some before accepting my next fosters.

Ha! God had other plans...

On my way home from dropping off that kitten, the car in front of me swerved to miss a little ball of black fur in the road. Then I swerved. Then the car behind me swerved. And the little ball barely moved. I could tell the little ball was struggling.

I looked over at the empty pet carrier in the passenger seat of my car and sighed. So much for that break... I pulled over, scooped up the little ball of black fur, and drove her home.

I got her home and left her alone in my bathroom with some food while I went downstairs to prepare my own supper.  While my brussels sprouts baked, I went back upstairs to check on the little fluffer and found she had eaten nothing. I picked her up and began checking her out. I found she had several deep wounds (about the size of k9 fangs) and that her wounds were covered in maggots. She couldn't wait for medical attention.

I loaded her up, took her to an emergency vet, and got her the little bit of treatment she needed to make it through the night. I emailed my friends at Furkids, who agreed to check her out in the morning.

Back home, I bathed her and wrapped her in a towel for the night.

Now, it's 1130, and i'm sitting down to eat the supper i cooked 4 hours ago.

this is my life... thanks, mom!


Charity said...

Awwww....I'm so glad you rescued her! I hope she does okay!

Kenny said...

Wow! Reminds Me Of When I found Muffy On Kaolin Road.He wasn't hurt, though. You did a good thing.