Sunday, March 31, 2013

Behold, the lamb!

Picture a lamb. Weak, stumbling up a hill, following his shepherd toward the altar on which the lamb will die. He knows today is different from all the others. Usually one in a large flock on a grassy hillside, today he is alone with the shepherd struggling toward the top of a rocky cliff. He follows the shepherd until his wobbly knees can support him no longer; the shepherd carries him on. At the top of the hill, the lamb lays himself on the altar, where he is pierced and left lifeless. Behold, the lamb.

Picture a woman. Kneeling outside an open tomb. Her tears glisten with the rising sun. She came just to see him one more time, to anoint his lifeless body, but he is gone. She weaps. Her tears fall soft into the blood-stained wool of a lamb. He nuzzles close and dries her tears. She stands, smiles, and turns to go, leaving the lamb alone and alive at the empty tomb. Behold, the lamb!

Picture a man. Kneeling before a king, in whose hand is a sealed scroll. Finding the seals to be unbreakable, the man cries with despair. His tears fall to the throne room floor and flow to the feet of a lamb. Wounded but strong, the lamb takes his place on the throne and, one by one, breaks the unbreakable seals, forever loosing the bonds of evil, forever victorious. Behold, the lamb!

May we truly behold the Lamb this Resurrection Sunday.

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