Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Pinch me.

The older I have gotten, the more I have wondered if I will ever be done with school and free to start "real life." I am soooooo tired of being a student and just about to the point that I don't want to learn anything else. ever.

But, Sunday, as I sat in church thinking back over my Sunday school lesson, I realized I am living my dream! We had talked about Paul's exclamation in Philippians 1 that "For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain." I can pretty honestly say I am at a place in life where this is true for me. Even when the specifics of life are annoying or boring, the whole of life is an exciting pursuit of Christ in me, the hope of glory!

As a child, I looked up to adults who somehow managed to maintain a genuine faith and zeal for the Christ-life. There weren't many of them, but I dreamt of becoming one of the few. Now, I am an adult. Although I'm still in school, still not living "real life," still don't have a "real job," I am living my dream. I am living for Jesus, and He is living for me. I couldn't dream of anything more.

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