Wednesday, September 28, 2011

to be a b****

I decided today that I want to be a bitch. In fact, I think God wants me to be a bitch.

I was walking through the park on my way to work this morning, and I observed the always cute first encounter of two dogs. Both were leashed, but from the moment they laid eyes on each other, their leashes were taut in anticipation of that first, good sniffing. As their owners were dragged closer, the dogs' tails wagged faster. They finally met and proceeded to prance around, each greeting the other with sheer, unadulterated joy.

I watched these dogs and wondered what life would be like if more people acted like dogs (bitches, if you will). What if, before we even met another person, we loved him? What if, after we met and got acquainted with even his smelliest, dirtiest parts, we continued to love and to demonstrate that love with joy and sincerity?

What if more of us were the bitches God has called us to be?

Mark 12.31


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