Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Today, I just want to go home. I want to go home and stay forever. Home is more a state of mind and heart than a place, but the only place I have ever felt my heart belongs is Sandersville, Georgia. The only reservation I have about committing myself to Sandersville is that eventually I would like to have not only somewhere to call home but someone to call home. I have lived in Sandersville for 22 years and know no one there worth marrying. But, I cannot live my life chasing a man I do not know. Today, I do not need a man. Today, I just want to go home.

(Don't mistake this post for a decision to go home when I graduate. Two weeks ago, I was just as certain that I wanted to go overseas as a Journeyman. Here's the problem: Just as much as I don't like not having a plan, I don't like making decisions.)

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