Monday, September 05, 2011


why don't i sleep at night? short night last night, no naps today, and still no sleep tonight. as usual. i am tired but not sleepy. for the past couple of weeks, i've tried lying on my floor rather than my bed. at least some placebo effect here. i have slept, on average, a couple of hours more per night on the floor. still, though, a meager 4 or 5.

i have to be up for a youth service project tomorrow morning. 600am. and i'm wide awake and blogging at 1253. great!

suggestions? feel free to leave comments on this post.

1 comment:

Lily said...

oh,no...poor Mo, sorry to hear that..quit coffee or something boring before sleep...listen to some quiet music (but actually my uncle who's also insomnia likes listening to Rock'n'roll to get to sleep..weird..).

But you know what, some people just need less sleeping time than others. Take it easy and relax. Sometimes it's nervous and worried that make people can't sleep.

Hope you get better.